January 25, 2011 - Current Long Beach Real Estate Market

The current Long Beach Market remains sluggish, we are still in a “Buyers Market” . The Market Action Index(MAI) is still below 30, anything below is a buyers market, anything above is a sellers market. The 90 day MAI stands … Continue reading

January 22, 2011 - The Total # of Appraisers in Long Beach

I was curious as to the total number of appraiser there are in the city of Long Beach I went to the OREA website looked them up. Then, I decided to see how many are independent fee appraisers and how … Continue reading

December 8, 2010 - Appraising Real Estate in Long Beach

Appraising Real Estate in Long Beach By Craig Wallace, Long Beach Appraiser Long Beach can be a difficult city to appraise in for a non-local appraiser there are many factors that contribute to the complexity that an appraiser must consider … Continue reading